Good lighting makes the difference between a well-planned project and a project, which has the "Wow" factor. Therefore, we have established a professional lighting division. It is our belief that the right lighting has a major effect on the space and the atmosphere, and it can emphasize and intensify architectural ideas.
When the infrastructure has been correctly installed, one can create different illumination scenarios for the same space, thus enabling the client to use the same room for entirely different activities while each time, another form of lighting will be matched to the atmosphere and the need, all without overburdening look and design. Through the use of technical lighting, recessed and hidden, we can play down the actual light source, cluttering neither appearance nor space.
The area of lighting represents not only an area of design but also requires professional expertise and knowledge in order to transfer design and practical ideas from theory into reality. This filed keeps coming up with technological innovations on end. Within the context of our expertise and progress in the field of lighting, we take care to remain up to date concerning all and any of the latest innovations and be well connected to all sources of current knowledge. This way, we are able to create solutions for our clients that answer their needs, with a unique and original design that fits into the overall concept and that, on top of this, will be effective and durable for years to come.
In a world dominated by LED lighting, correct and precise planning as well as a complete match between planning and the quality of the lighting fixtures are of utmost importance. If they do not match, precision and quality of the results are compromised. The correct use of the language of technical lighting (recessed lighting, hidden lighting) calls for knowledge, experience and an understanding of details, and these also have an impact on future wear and tear as well as convenient maintenance.
We know how to find creative lighting solutions also under challenging circumstances. The fact that everything is planned under one roof prevents conflicts of interest between the planning parties, and we join forces for the benefit of the client and the project’s success.
Our clients receive results which are esthetic, well-designed and – no less important – economical (both in terms of cost and energy), easy to operate and maintain.